Before e-mail me with a threat of some sort, please take time
to read this FAQ
Q: How do you create Lagged?
A: I make the entire strip in Illustrator, I used to hand
draw it (yes I can draw!) but that got a bit tiring and
I kept having to buy supplies. A more detailed answer to
this can be found here.
Q: Where do you get the ideas for the strips?
A: Most of the strips are based (loosely) on real life events
but if I can't find anything to base it on, I just make
something up.
Q: Why wasn't there a comic on <insert date here>??
A: There could be many reasons behind this, I mostly say
why there isn't a strip in the news but if I haven't then
I er....was abducted by aliens.
Q: I have this really good idea for a strip! Will you
put it into Lagged?
A: E-mail it to me using the link on the sidebar and I'll
take a look. If it's good I'll make it.
Q: Omg! Your comic suxx0rz!
A: Thank You.
Q: Omg! Your comic r0xxorz!
A: Thank You. |